WP Banners Plugin: Good Value or not?

Recently, I set up some banners on this website with the help of several plugins. Eventually, though, with the number of banners at work, I had to give up on Shylock Adsense and go with something that offered a bit more flexibility: enter WordPress Banner Rotator v2.1.3

There were initial problems.

I’m currently using to handle all the banners, and it seems pretty stable, though some functionality and documentation have issues. It’s commercial software though it won’t break the budget at $14.99 as a download. It’s working well in many ways, but there are some problems that I have discovered with features not working as anticipated. I’ll be doing a full review soon: active banner switch and future date expiry don’t work as anticipated (or not at all), but otherwise pretty stable.

I’d like an option to weight ads, too. Some of these problems would be easily solved by setting up ‘ad management software’ and using that code within this software. Such software would manage the ads more effectively, such as OpenAds. It seems pretty stable, though.

wpbanners usage

Other suggestions in email.

Car parking: make money the easy Peasy way!

Living in a large city like London, Birmingham or Glasgow, if you are a driver can be a nightmare…! Where on earth do you park at an affordable price, and in a timely manner?

If you live in a city, e.g. London, and have unused parking space, perhaps because you gave up your car, and now use the Tube, public transport, or even a bicycle, how can you make the most of the resource you have, the empty car park?

Both these problems have now been solved by Peasy.com. Peasy allows you to find and rent out parking spaces as well as allow customers to book online! Parking spaces for rent are available near train, tube, town centres and even sporting events, like the Saturday football game!

This could be a whole new income stream for you in the UK, without considerable outlay.

Car parks and convenience brought to you by Peasy.com.

Business Management

I have a very stubborn friend that reckons his biz idea - lets call it X - is a sure thing

he has little biz sense but is super keen, he has done no research on investment amount, demographics, market size, pricing etc etc. he simply thinks its a good idea

I have three or four things to say about this guy:

1. Of course, one of the problems in Taiwan is that people opening business most often don’t make adequate provisions for poor cash flow in the first 3-6 monthsj of their business plan. They often run out of cash after that period, and go out of business, even when they have a great product. I’ve seen many good business go to the wall in surprisingly short order.

2. Having said that, planning things can in some cases kill enthusiasm. We westerners tend to overplan for things to the point that the idea just dies from the weight of planning. A little spontaneity can really help get a business going. So I wouldn’t completely knock him without knowing such sketchy details as you have provided. Perhaps he’s prepared to roll with the punches, and see how things go.

3. Perhaps he isn’t worried about making a mistake or mistakes. Often, the fear of mistakes prevents entrepreneurial activity, and the planning covers the fear by claiming it is impossible. The best entrepreneurs plan, do, make mistakes and learn from the whole process, even if they decide their business didn’t work the first time.

4. So in some ways, I admire entrepreneurs who keep trying because making mistakes is a sign that one is willing to learn. But one has to be willing to learn something from each mistake, otherwise you are just banging your head against a brick wall, no?