RealRank: a ‘real’ alternative to PageRank?

Many of the Payperpost bloggers are now shouting about their REALRankings that went live today. In fact, I was quite pleased to get my ranking at 877 (less is better)… I’ve enclosed the edited graphic to show what it looks like in my screen.


As you can see, Payperpost is now using four or five different metrics to evaluate bloggers and their bloggings. It’s quite a challenging system to navigate. Without blowing my own trumpet (toot! toot!), the only fly in my blogging ointment is the new PR ranking that I have. It seems that for the time being Payperpost have ‘frozen’ Google rankings, before the PPP networks were zeroed last week.

I would imagine that in future developments, Google’s proprietary rank will just be skipped in favor of their own metric.

So what is RealRank?

It is a metric derived from three sources in varying proportions: 70% – unique visitors, 20% – linkings, and 10% – page views. Perhaps it is the ability to track how many unique visitors the website gets every day that should make this a much accurate measure than either Alexa or Compete.

Then the totals are ranked from highest performing to lowest performing, with each blog from the highest performing blog gaining a score in increments of 1. So the top site in 1,000 will be #1, but the bottom will be #1000.

The total number of sites will be divided into ten market ‘segments’ with the top ranking of 1 being the top ten percent of sites. This should help advertisers to target higher traffic blogs. It seems that InvestorBlogger is doing quite well as it is currently placed in the top 10% of blogs… but we won’t see accurate placement for quite a while, as the number of sites indexed is currently quite small.

The other odd thing about RealRank is that it will be updated daily at 2am, so sites are likely to see rapid swings if individual posts attract a lot of hits from Digg or StumbeUpon or elsewhere in the Social Media World. In other words, it’s dynamic, unlike Google’s PR which changes irregularly.

How will it develop?

Right now, the only websites and blogs that are included in the system are the 80,000 blogs that are listed in Payperpost’s system. Moreover, there is no external system for viewing stats except for those who are involved with Payperpost. But this will soon change as opens up early next year.

In fact, for advertisers, bloggers and so on, the new system will involve considerable similarities with Alexa, PageRank, MyBlogLog, and a lot of other social media websites COMBINED. This will be quite a development. But it will take time to work out the kinks, open the system to outsiders, and fully build out all the features that are being discussed. Here’s hoping… 😀