Ibackup.com: Do you back up your data?

When I first started using computers in the mid 90s, I didn’t know what ‘back up’ meant. I really didn’t. My first pc was a notebook 486 which lasted a while, but one day the system died and wouldn’t reboot. Sorry, your data is gone! Woops!

My second pc was a desktop system actually but in those CD writers were the stuff of fantasy, and I hadn’t really learned my lesson on data backup. One day, I turned on the system and … nothing. No boot up sounds. Stone dead. Sorry, your hard disk is gone.

It was at that point I started to get serious about backing up data. I bought a zip drive with 100MB capacity and a half dozen disks. Now that worked well for a while, but then the data began to grow… Suddenly I didn’t have enough space.

So by then I invested in a CD writer as they were quite affordable by then. It worked well. For a while. But then I began to have another problem: I had copies of copies of copies of CDs. I didn’t mark them clearly enough. Then soon, my data needed several disks, then more to back up safely. Yikes. Confusing reigned.

I’m now looking at IBackup – Online Backup and Storage as a way to provide for the present and future growth. Now with a business, and five systems (all used by people who don’t know what backup means!), I’m facing a nightmare situation, so I’m considering using online storage as a way to conveniently update regularly and automatically.

IBackup is offering a number of options that are attractive for internet users: with software that operates like Explorer (in Windows) and options to save data that is typically overlooked in general back up software, such as data in Outlook Express or Outlook, using wizards. There are even downloads for Linux Users, but oddly nothing for a Mac User.

While the pricing is not as cheap as as an extra hard drive nor as big, the storage solution offers a convenience factor in that you do not have to care what happens to the stored date once it’s placed on the service. That’s their job. I’m all in favor of offloading tasks on other people! It’s definitely an economical use of MY time!

My only real criticism of the service is the space size. These days 1GB isn’t that much. A few hundred photos or songs. A presentation can run big, too! If it were my place, I’d multiply the size by a factor of 10 or even 100. Now that would be a good amount at a great price!

This post is sponsored by IBackup.com.

IDrive-E: Sounds like a good IDEA

Ever lost a hard disk with your precious data on it? I have several times. The first time was the most serious, the second or third times, I lost recent stuff only. But still having a disk go down means your files, pictures, data, addresses, favorites, music, etc.. all go with it! Frustrating.
IDrive-E is offering a service with lots of online backup features and enough space to save most of your work files, or important stuff, for FREE! With a small monthly payment of $4.95 you can get unlimited space for your backups. A year’s payment would certainly be cheaper than purchasing a new hard-drive, but there is an important additional security aspect: your data would be protected in an off-site location. If your house or work pc was stolen or damaged, as happened to a friend of mine, no problems, you’d still have your back up data set online.

In addition, you can make the space appear as a virtual drive with Windows Explorer. In other words, it would appear just like an ordinary drive, making data access easy, quick and convenient. When it comes time to restore your file(s), you can access any of the backup set versions that are stored, so you can make sure you have the right version.

For investorbloggers, backing up your data on a regular basis is a hassle, but a necessary one for the most part. The whole process can be automated, saving you time to focus on your business.

This post has been backed by IDrive-E.

Shopping Carts – They’re not all the same!

There are a tonne of shopping carts out on the market, some of them free, some of them not. Miva Merchant comes in at the top end of products for small business, Zencart, and OScommerce. In many ways, each of these is kind of top heavy on the learning, powerful, and not particularly flexible, esp. in the hands of SMEs who perhaps don’t have so much experience.

However, Avactis Shopping Cart makes it very easy to integrate your online store into your existing website, thereby making Avactis an easy and obvious choice if you don’t want to redo your entire website around your store (many people wouldn’t choose this route!). You can view a site made with Avactis here.

I tried OScommerce and found it very clunky. Without experience of using it, it was quite difficult (impossible for me) to integrate this with an existing website. I also tried Zencart which was easier, but still not straightforward.