Revised since first posted!
From today (dates revised) until June 15th, I’m running a very special promotion, in support of Kiva.org! This is your chance to participate in a unique charity event and win a $25 gift certificate for Kiva.org!
You win the chance to help someone, increase traffic to your blog and SEO, share your stories, and (one day but not immediately!) get $25 in your Paypal account! Not too shabby, eh?
Kiva says it best: “We let you loan to the working poor Kiva lets you connect with and loan money to unique small businesses in the developing world. By choosing a business on Kiva.org, you can “sponsor a business” and help the world’s working poor make great strides towards economic independence. Throughout the course of the loan (usually 6-12 months), you can receive email journal updates from the business you’ve sponsored. As loans are repaid, you get your loan money back.”
How to participate:
There are three simple things that you have to do:
- 1. Choose one post from InvestorBlogger and post a story of at least 50 words on your blog, OR post a comment of it on my blog – you choose! (see below for details!)
- 2. Fave me at Technorati!
- 3. Place a notice in your blog advertising this contest with links to this page/post. You can copy and paste the relevant parts, as you wish, but links come back to this post!
- 4. Use the form below to contact me, and tell me you’ve completed the tasks, including your email address, and your blog address!
- … That’s it!
What to write about in your comment:
Write a detailed comment sharing your story of money management success or failure affected your life, what it meant to you, and how you handled it! My own business is facing challenges right now, so I’m looking for inspiration! The most inspiring story wins!
What do you win?
Well, one lucky person will receive one $25 gift certificate from Kiva.org that they must lend to someone as part of a syndicated loan for micro-entrepreneurs in the developing world who don’t have access to good sources of capital.
After the money is repaid from the completed loan repayments, that $25 can either be withdrawn to your paypal account or used to generate another loan for another business person! In addition, the winner’s blog and commented story will be featured in the winning announcement!
For those non-winners, it’s not all lost! You’ve raised awareness of Kiva.org with your notice on your blog, you’ve probably got readers for your blog, too; AND I will fave everyone who faves me. Moreover, comments in my blog are all DOFOLLOW, so you will generate interest, and backlinks to your blogs!
Rules for my competition!
- You can enter as many times as you wish, but no duplicates! Any duplicates will be invalidated.
- My decision is final on the most inspiring story.
- Winner will be notified via email of the result. The result will be notified as soon as it is known.
- The competition will run from now until June 15th 11:59pm (EDT).
- It may take some time to sort through entries, but I will endeavor to post results within 3 days!
This competition is not supported or in any way associated with Kiva.org. This is a personal sponsorship by InvestorBlogger! I’m still hoping that you’ll support it!