Entrepreneur’s Club: Taipei Get Together


A few enterprising individuals, headed by Mr. He (screen name!) and under the aegis of Forumosa Entrepreneurship Meeting, got together at 12:00pm on Sunday March 19th 2008 to discuss amongst other things setting up companies in Taiwan.

Six or seven of us showed up for the meeting, Steve from Agentschat.com, Eric, Patrick and Karen from EnglishGear, Yours Truly, and our fearless leader, Mr. He, whose business card I seriously lost. Though I was a little late, we all eagerly devoured our various rather tasty food supplied by Carnegie’s in Taipei.

Topics covered were wide ranging, and I’m hoping that from this little buzz on InvestorBlogger dot com that others will be encouraged to attend, share with the group their entrepreneurial plans, and have a good ol’fashioned chinwag. If you’re in Taipei, do drop by the Forumosa.com forums, especially Business & Money to find out when the next one is!

And, next time I’ll definitely keep good minutes and take piccies to share!