September’s Income on InvestorBlogger

After this summer’s slump, I’ve noted an uptick in income again on this blog. It hasn’t reached the regular high of earlier this year, but with client payments approaching, and my likely move to a better quality service on Dreamhost, I’ll be able to increase some of my income (as well as my expenses). Also, the total for September was in fact above my long term average.

OK. Here are the numbers.

Payperpost: $126.50
Google : $2.48
SR/ReviewME/Other : $25.00
Adlinks : $56.89
Stocks: $73.26
Hosting : $58.46
Bank A/C Interest : $23.54
Business: $61.54
Total: $427.67

As usual, these numbers represent gross income, not including any taxes paid or fees paid to Paypal or currency exchange fees. Overall, this represents a 67% increase on my first month in September 2006. That’s not bad!

Visitor traffic to this blog has been weak for the past month or so, and the problems I had with the hosting company, the busy server, and the problems of having just too many plugins running all served to make the website unstable for nearly 10 days. Obviously, this cuts into my posting schedule, as well as my traffic. There are also a couple of days for which stats weren’t working again (or was it my website?)

It’s hard to compare statistics with last year. At this time, I didn’t have Google Analytics installed, and the Alexa stats only show reach. But anyway here’s the graphic from Alexa for the past 12 months. Basically, my blog was ‘invisible’.


Let’s have a look at the blog design one year ago. Time for blushes, as WayBack Machine highlights how my blog looked a year ago.


Now, Michael, how’s that for generic design!? Makes MistyLook look almost decent!

How has your blog changed over the year? How have your stats changed?

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