3 Top Reasons to Use Online Stock Brokers

Online trading has exploded over the past couple of decades, since the beginning of companies like Datek Online (remember them?). Its popularity was made by the ease of use, cost of trades, and increasing number of platforms on which you could trade.

There are many other reasons why so many people are doing it, but let’s check out what I think are the top 3 reasons.

Better level of control for commissions, trade executions and transparent pricing


Image of TDAmeritrade’s Online Platform

One of the key things that caused many people to go the online route was that the commissions for brokers were already through the roof. The lower level of commission also made smaller trades, micro-accounts and more frequent trading possible, meaning that ordinary people could access the market directly for purchasing stocks, bonds, contracts & much more.

Instead of calling your broker, you could open your browser or start up your trading apps to get the best current pricing; decide on whether you want to go long or short; and set the market, limit or stop limit orders for the stock you wanted to purchase, allowing you to dictate your execution pricing and your total purchase/sell cost.

A better level of control effectively means that you will have more control over your profits or losses. This new trading phenomenon wound up working for many people, and encouraging dozens of online trading companies to spring up seemingly overnight.

Accessibility to your trading accounts 24/7/365

I’m not a frequent or avid trader by any means, but even I enjoy those advantages of being able to access the account pretty much where, when and how I want. If I had to rely on a standard broker, who may be unavailable when I decide to call, to buy and sell everything for me, there would be a limit to how quickly I can make an investment. In the financial world, time is money and every second counts.

So, if you trade online, you will make all of the trades yourself. You can do everything at the exact second you want to. Even the smallest delay in buying or selling can cost you a very large amount of money. But you will need to learn about online trading from someplace like Online Trading Academy, you will never lose money because your broker was unreachable at the time you wanted to make a trade.

Most modern brokers offer a variety of platforms to access your accounts: web-based sites, apps on your phone or pads, even proper software for your PC or Mac. And you will still be able to dial-in on the old phone, and make trades for an extra fee.

Look for a good online stock broker

Really, check out the offerings and decide what you want or need. You will need to decide what products you want to trade: stocks, bonds, forex, contracts, commodities, etc.; then consider what kind of tools you actually need: will you be trading via web or app or via a full software application.

Lastly, don’t forget to look at the additional research brokers these days offer. Many offer lots of research tools, reports, stock scanners, and much more for no additional fee; while others charge bare-bones fees for stock trades, then have an a-la-carte attitude to the many services available, so trading costs will be low until you need to pay for additional services. However, most fees are minimal compared to what you would pay to an actual traditional broker.

Check out this video for more information. And search through this site for more ideas on use online stock brokers for trading. Or perhaps you have a favorite you’d like to share.

increase your company profits

10 Practical Tips on How to Increase Your Company Profits

Of course, you’d like to increase your company profits. The lessons for creating and increasing an entrepreneur’s profits are pretty much the same as for any company: to be successful, you have to turn a profit. It’s that profit that allows you to expand, improve your products, hire good people, etc.

increase your company profits

But generating more sales doesn’t just involve selling a lot more services or merchandise. Due to expenses and other factors, having sales doesn’t always translate into more profits; and that’s a hard lesson to learn when you’re in business. You have to be street smart in that regard.

How Do You Increase your Company Profits?

There are a few ways that companies can turn bigger profits without spending more. Some of the biggest names in the business industry, like John Hailer, have used these tips to make the companies they work for profitable.

Get Existing Consumers to Buy More

While companies work on ways to get new consumers into their stores, they should also look for ways to get current customers to spend more money. These are customers who are already using the goods or services. As such, it’s no longer a battle to get them into the store, just to get them to spend more while they are there. By cross-selling, for example, companies get consumers who buy certain products to buy adjacent products.

This is why it’s a good idea to put like-minded products together. For instance, if customers are buying paper, try selling other office supplies to them as well by putting those products close together. Also, rather than bundle products together, split the items into separate products so that consumers buy more.

Get Old Customers to Refer New Customers

The best way to spread word of mouth about a company is to get customers to talk about it. Having customers send in referrals is the most honest way of getting new customers. This can be done by joining social media networking sites and getting consumers to “like” products that you post. Also, offer consumers discounts or coupons when they refer their friends or family members.

Another great way is to encourage bloggers to write about products. For example, if a company has a new product that it wants people to know about, the company could send the product to a review site or blogger or even existing customers, so the individual can test and write a review for that product. While it costs the company a bit of money to send out free products to select people, it encourages those people to write reviews and articles about the new products.

Increase the Value Add for the Product

This might sound contrarian, but actually is essential. Why? By imbuing your product or service with top quality, you can create a quality/pricing distance with your competitors in the marketplace. This seems obvious to do, and it’s a strategy that well-known companies like Apple employ to great effect.

Adding value can be done in multiple ways: extra downloads from your company’s website, extending warranties on products, improving service response, even just packaging your product a little smarter than the competition! There is no limit to the value you can create just by improving the presentation, too.

Develop Relations in the Community

One of the reasons that businesses do outreach work in the community is to develop relationships with those people who live or work nearby. Simple outreach can be working with charities, providing financial or material support to groups in need, or even organizing simple events that focus on issues of the day.

Also, holding events to bring people into the premises can be a great way to build interest. Whether you turn those people into customers or not doesn’t matter at all. Why? Because you just never know who the visitors will tell or even when they will sign up. In our business, we’ve found that people tuck the information away for ages before acting on it. Do note: you should avoid the hard sell at these events… that will only create antipathy. Be genuine, be sincere to all.

Treat your Customers Right

Following these tips can help increase your company profits, as well as those of nearly any company. Entrepreneurs will do well to remember, however, that treating consumers right is the best way to get them to buy their products in the first place, and improves the likelihood of gaining their business again.

Register your Company for Online Success

You have successfully blogged as a freelancer for an employer for quite some time. While they drive the Bugattis, you drive you parents up the wall by still living at home, afraid to take the next plunge. If this is not you, however, you are someone who sells out at the crafter’s market every week with your unique handmade polymer clay shoe accessories, keep reading.




You may also be a property tycoon or have a very successful factory up the road manufacturing unique t-shirts worn by Rihanna and the gang. It doesn’t matter the size or the product, if you have something to offer, you probably need to get it on the internet. There are a few steps to follow to ensure that an online company formation is going to work to your advantage.

Startup Costs

You need to work out a budget and have a look at your startup cost. There are certain things to take into consideration here. Your internet usage, cost of shipment, set-up costs of the website, design fees and the actual registration of the business if you wish to register.

Type of Business

Decide what your site wants to promote, for instance, do you want to do reviews on products and services, blogging, e-commerce. There is an endless stream of business opportunities to choose from. Many online businesses are started as a sideline job and end up being a multi-million dollar enterprise.

Why not start today?

The right time is as soon as possible. Start off with your budget and getting your legal documents into place, for instance, terms and conditions etc. Thereafter, the only thing that is holding you back is fear. The younger you start, the better. This is a means to eventually start earning you a passive income, which in turn could free your hands up again to look into other business opportunities.

Whatever your situation, Wisteria Formation would help you sort out your company setup.