Hack Sitesell Sites: Five Tips on How to Gain a Competitive Insight on any SBI Website.

Until now, I’ve kept these tips & tricks under my hat, because they weren’t widely known. It’s easy to get an insight into a popular Sitesell website with these simple tips, and what’s best is that the information is all public!

How to Discover Almost Any SBI-site’s Secrets, otherwise known as how to hack a Sitesell site (not that anyone cares anymore!). I’ll assume that you have a website set up (any one), and that you have your eyes on a keyword or niche already. If not, then perhaps you already know an SBI site… They’re easy to find, once you know what patterns to use.

1. Open the source code to find the keywords in the HTML. Look for the keyword in the index.html… or choose a keyword that you think should have SBI sites. Example: kids parties.

2. Join Sitesell’s own brandname Link Exchange Service, and when you register use the keywords. Gradually, over the next few weeks or months, you’ll find that your site is matched with many sites that have also registered, because of your choice of keyword.

Once you have enough data, look for sites that use /index.html as the main page (this is likely an SBI-site).

Visit the site and determine if it is. You may need no more than an overview of the first page… or you may need to do a WHOIS search (easy enough) to check if the DNS servers are linked to Sitesell.

3. Once you have determined your shortlist, visit each site. Then add the text ‘urllist.txt’ after the URL (thus, mysbisite.com/urllist.txt). This will output a fairly complete list of ALL the pages on that site. Since each url includes the filename.html, you will have a complete list of the primary keywords that builds each site.

Copy the entire list into a text writer (like Notepad+), then using copy+replace remove the code from each URL, thus: *http://www.mysbisite.com/*.html

and finally copy and replace each ‘-’ with a space.

Admittedly, if you have filenames that are long… these may or may not include keywords that are relevant. However, most keywords used as filenames are three words or shorter.

So, copy the list into Excel, and sort by number of words in each line. Voila! You now have your future competitor’s entire current keyword list, probably ending at three or four keyword length.

Repeat and rinse until you have a fairly complete overview of all your SBI’s competitors’ keywords, size of their sites, etc. (You can also do this with their sitemaps).

4. No longer want to work on the web or need deeper analysis? You can simply ‘rip’ their SBI site to your own hard-drive using HTTrack, giving you the opportunity to study the site in more depth.

While you cannot reuse their words, data, etc … and you wouldn’t want to be sued… you can spend a lot of time studying the successful sites’ structure (T2-T3 via the right menu… you can determine the T2s straight away), page design, content, … etc.

It’s all their for you to see, right in front of your eyes. And with gently more sophisticated tools, by searching for the ‘Return to xxx’ in the data, you can determine the list of T3s for each page fairly quickly, too.

5. There are so many services now out there that can help you determine a site rankings, traffic, etc… just plug the URL directly into your favorite tools, you’ll find a lot more intelligence on those sites, including recent performance, rankings, social standing, etc. By plugging the keywords into your favorite keyword tools, you will also find out what keywords are profitable and what are not.

So, I’m saying these things because they can be done, are technically not difficult to do, and unfortunately enabled (indirectly) by SBI’s poor over all design. By outing the best performing sites, SBI just makes the list of competitors ever longer, violates the entrepreneur’s trust, and creates a dog-eat-dog environment of exploitative confrontation, not cooperation.

Hack Sitesell Sites to get the Skinny

That’s the skinny on your SBI competitor site. All from publicly available information, nothing hacked at all. All right in front of your eyes. And I actually fail to see how this is ‘black hat’! All of the information is published and accessible via your own Browser!

Hire a Hawaii CPA: Keep Your Company Accounts in Order with Professional Services

hawaii cpaYour business excites you (but finding a Hawaii CPA does not!), it drives you each day to produce better products and deliver better service to your customers! If you’re like me, you’ll love doing it… but there is a huge buzzkill that saps your time, your money and your energy. Know what it is?


You may be a brilliant entrepreneur capable of offering top notch products and services. When it comes to keeping your books updated or your taxes paid on time, you will lack the time, skills, and patience needed for the job. Or you may find that generic tools just aren’t very useful, while proprietary tools take too much time to learn. What are you going to do?

Solution: Hire a Hawaii CPA or an Accountant!

The federal government requires that small business owners pay their quarterly taxes on time. Rather than bypass this important obligation or suffer financially because of poorly kept records, you can stay on top of your profits, expenses, taxes, and more by hiring a professional contractor like a CPA in Hawaii or bookkeeping firm that specializes in small business record keeping.

We’ve hired a wonderful accountant who does more than just keep the books, she makes good suggestions, keeps us abreast of tax and legislation changes, and readily answers our questions or finds solutions to our problems. She’s worth every penny (and much more) we pay her.

Bookkeepers for Business Success

Your accountant will help you keep tabs on where your money is coming from, how much you are spending, what your tax obligations are, and how profitable you are! She’ll also help you determine accurately how much cash you have to pay bills, meet payroll, order inventory, and keep you on track for your taxes, too!

When you know your business’s financial position clearly, you’ll know much better how to manage your budget! Your tight control on your budget means that you will be able to reward staff (and yourself) appropriately, keep ahead of price rises on your inputs, and calculate your gross and net margins.

At the end of the year (or the quarter), you will be able to plan ahead much more confidently. Even having that extra insight can reduce the uncertainty that every business owner knows each morning, when they open the doors: will customers come today? will the staff do their job well? will I earn enough to pay my bills to stay open?

Paying Taxes

The IRS requires that most small business owners pay their taxes on a quarterly basis. Other tax jurisdictions allow a half-yearly reporting period. However, they all demand their tax payments so if you delay or fail to pay your taxes, you could be fined, causing you to suffer financially.

Your accountant will submit your returns as well as proof of credits and deductions that you claim on your taxes. You may end up owing very little in taxes or perhaps even be owed a refund. You also avoid the worry that you have not met the deadline. In short, a successful business relies on an accurate and reliable bookkeeping system.

It’s an Education, too!

You’ll also learn a lot about the financial side of running a business: no, it’s not just ‘make products, sell and go to the bank’! Your accountant will not only help you keep track of the records, (s)he’ll also advise you to improve your business by looking at your budget and suggesting how to better manage your resources.

In fact, our accountant has been with us for many years, and she’s really knowledgeable about all sorts of things. I wish she’d been our accountant even before we started in business, because her input at an early stage would have helped put our business on an even firmer financial footing.

So put your business on a solid footing from day one: find a local CPA or accountant you like, let her show you how to manage your money, and allow her to do the grunt work of bookkeeping. Now you can return to your passion, running your business!

A Trip to Hawaii CPA approved? Well, you never know! It could happen…!

Better Investing Money Strategies for the Muddle Through Years? Solutions…

Last month, I took part in an interview with SuperMoney. They asked me lots of juicy questions about investing money strategies, so if you’d like to find out what they asked, head on over to their blog at Personal Finance @ Supermoney.com where you’ll find the article: Better Investing & Money Strategies.



Kenneth Dickson is a blogger/writer and has written about investing, entrepreneurship and personal finance for the last eight years at InvestorBlogger.com. We recently sat down with Kenneth to talk about the state of the market today and to hear his thoughts on how to invest wisely and handle debt effectively….

The last fifteen years have been quite difficult for many investors, especially those who have been thrown into the fire by the  upheavals of 2000, 2003, 2007, 2009… What’s an investor or entrepreneur to do? …