I thought I’d give a brief overview of the stats for this blog since April. I will include some stats from Google Analytics as well. I’m not bothering with stats from other places, mostly not worth it!
Overall, PR is still down; and won’t likely change in the short term! I’m still considering what to do about that, my linkbait programs are going slowly, and not generating much interest! I’m tweaking the second competition!
Comments are up! And delightfully so. I’ve now got over 230 comments and 570 postings! I’m also trying to get my pages out of Supplements Hell where about 50% of my pages are currently hiding! This is likely killing my PR ranking and my search engine traffic from Google!
PR Rank: 3
Alexa Rank: 3 month 95,345 (1 week: 85K est.)
Technorati Rank: 101,257* ( a decent jump!)
Overall Tack Rating:– top quality postings
Since last month, the Alexa rank has improved a great deal, and Technorati Ranking has also improved. I have maintained my Tack Rating, but increased the number of positive reviews’ feedback to 15. Advertisers on PPP are enjoying my postings clearly. And privately, I’m getting positive feedback from a number of other advertisers who requested links/posts.
Actual traffic is improving, too. Google has shown a big jump in traffic, and some individual websites are coming along nicely. John Chow’s blog has been sending quite a bit of daily traffic since I appeared in the commentators top ten list.
Page Views are at about 1700; Visits are 940; and Unique Visitors are about 730 per month. Views of Google and Alexa show rising traffic, but still the base is growing slowly. Subscribers to the feed are approaching 50!
All stats on this blog are current as of May 30th, 2007, and are rounded for ease!
* I’m still using this rank, but Technorati has introduced another system called ‘Authority’ without much explanation.