Is it possible for a small blog like mine to beat a big blog like John Chow’s… ? Well, I think it is… Here’s my reasoning. My blog nearly performed as well per 1000 page views as John’s though the scale was quite different. Here are John’s stats from the linked page:
Blog traffic held steady at 330,339 page views from 180,291 visitors, according to Google Analytics. If you take the blog’s page view and divide that by the income it will give you a site wide eCPM of $70.98. That means for every 1000 page views, this blog makes over $70, or 7 cents per view. Most blogs would kill for this eCPM rate. How much would your blog make if you could get $70 for every 1000 page view?
John’s income was $23,448.59 that is divided by the page views of 330,339. His information is correct.
Ok. My blog’s page views: 2,875 and my total blog income: 195.54 approximately, give or take a few dollars for Adsense (I didn’t exactly break out my Adsense revenue). My total: $68 per 1000 eCPM.
Hmm. While I didn’t beat John Chow, I do feel quite surprised that I cam quite close. Anyway, let’s see how other blogs have done:
I’ll have a look at (one of my favorite blogs). He rated his income and eCPM at $11.84 approximately. So he’s definitely underperforming both of us.
How are you doing? Fill in the formula thus:
( Revenue / Page Views ) x 1000 = $**.** eCPM.
Which figures. Small blogs can do as well as large as much bigger bloggers by monetizing their site appropriately.
You can use your calculator to figure yours… Once you’re done post it here so we can all compare… Tell us how you are performing and why.