Check Your Credit Card History and Save Yourself Time, Worry and $$$

With the difficult economy, and increasingly serious problems for lenders, borrowers of all ages, occupations, and salary groups are finding it difficult not just to get credit cards for bad credit, but even those with good credit histories are now being turned away as banks grow much more cautious about their lending decisions.

To some degree, you’ll be able to increase your chances of successful applications during this credit squeeze by checking your credit card history and doing so at least once a year. In doing so, you’ll be able to keep yourself uptodate on your FICO score, check any problems on your credit records, and apply for those ever harder to get credit cards, because you will be better informed.

If it turns out that your credit history is less than stellar, you’ll find that knowing your credit history and current situation will help you in rebuilding your credit history and FICO score.