Ever have trouble buying cartridges for your printers? Well, try CartridgeFinder.com. It is an easy to operate website that you can search by brand and model, just click on the results that show up. Once you found your model on Cartridge Finder, then enter your zip code to get the complete pricing for your residence. Or you can click Price Grabber which opens a list of the different prices.
This is the front page, but why, oh why is the search mechanism NOT in the center of the page? I searched for my LaserJet, and found this page.
Clicking on the PriceGrabber function also listed these prices from some websites listing the price at over $155 to prices under $60. Obviously, those merchants selling at hugely inflated prices won’t be getting much traffic!
Cool tools! So, next time you won’t have to go hunting for cartridges for your printer! I’ll challenge you to find a cartridge this is not listed on their pages!