I was browsing through my day’s websites as usual, when I came across this odd business. Someone is trying to turn books into the next multi-level marketing business! Geez, I thought, how is that possible? The margins in publishing aren’t as great as in other industries, like cosmetics, pharmaceuticals or whatnot… how can it be done? Also, books aren’t as sexy as other products, so…
Well, I visited Bookwise to find out what it was all about… It’s basically a book catalogue with a monthly required purchase which fulfills your membership requirement. In addition, you will get some other stuff like e-books and advice.
So, anyway, I found the video, which is long (very long, in fact). It took ages to download, but it showed two prominent people, Richard Paul Evans, a well-known author and Richard Allen, author of “Multiple Streams of Income” fame talking about Bookwise. They were very enthusiastic about the club, and all of the value that they would pour into your joining the club! The fact that it would cost only$35+pp made it sound like it was the best thing since sliced bread
I must admit I’m intrigued by this! Mostly because of the idea that I could use books to interest people in topics close to my heart! Mmm. So how does the deal stack up?
The deal is quite simple: To join the club as an Associate, you will pay a $39 enrollment fee. Thereafter, you’re charged $35 per month (plus applicable taxes and shipping), with an annual renewal fee of $30.
So your first bill will be $74, and annual purchases will be around $450-460 for your membership plus membership requirement. You will, of course, get a starter kit including a business guide, instructional content, promotional material including stickers and brochures, and more
There are other benefits, including one hardcover book, you can purchase additional books from the BookWise catalog at wholesale prices – cheaper than Amazon.com’s (and I checked several books), a newsletter every month, as well as discounted entry to BookWise conferences, etc.. etc.. There are also additional charity links that might appeal, too!
I’m intrigued by this and I think that it could be a powerful tool in the right hands to make money! But, as with most MLM schemes, most people are unlikely to make as much! Still, very intriguing, … Have any of you been involved with Bookwise at all? What were your experiences? Share with me! I’m considering purchasing a membership, out of curiosity! I love hardback books!
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