PPP: managing your opps better

(ed. This posting has been extended, tweaked and edited for content since first posting.)

PPP has been a blessing for me in many ways, as it has helped me save nearly $1,000 over the last six months. But there are times when I feel that logging in is perhaps the most frustrating thing that I have to deal with online. Why?

Personal Segmentation
If you don’t know about PPP and segmentation, you may wish to read this posting. Legal Andrew’s website hosts a nice plugin that I have been using for the last few days to help me weed out inappropriate offers. These fall in five categories I find:

  1. ineligible opps – I can’t take them for categories, rankings, etc.,
  2. undesirable opps – I don’t want to take them because they are inappropriate topics for this blog, eg. lingerie, cooking, to name a few,
  3. low-ball opps – I don’t want to spend ages posting for a $5.00 or similar ‘cheapskate’ (sorry, advertisers with small budgets – includes me, actually!) opp with difficult requirements (like requiring high pr and 200 words for a segmented blog),
  4. already completed – I already covered that opp before, can’t take it again or don’t want to redo as I have nothing to add to my original comments (rare but true!), and
  5. unavailable opps – they sit there and say ‘click me’ but when you do, you find that they are all gone, yet they still entice you to click (again! and again! in the vain hope) – PPP is working on a fix for this.

Once I segmented my opps this way!
Now with that plugin called payperpostopps, I can nuke them all, and focus on what IS available. So here is what is available on page 1 for me today after I nuked them all! That’s right, not much for me today, though plenty of other bloggers will be able to find juicy opps. Page 2 isn’t much better, either. Page 3 and 4 are all red (meaning I can’t take them). Old Mother Hubbard… Well, this cupboard is bare, ain’t it?


This ability to focus on what is available can shave a lot of valuable time and unnecessary effort on my part because I’m able to write better quality posts (see some of my short ‘reviews’) and more information than the advertiser was requesting. Recently, I have only been doing one or so opp per day for that reason. So overall, it’s a good thing to have this plugin: it saves a lot of time checking out opps that you won’t do. Actually this tool helps us to focus on what is good for our blogs, not to be distracted too much by the $$$ signs that confront you when you login.

Risk Factors
It might be too easy to ‘nuke’ opps that you could do or by mistake or change your mind about. I can’t see any way at the moment to make such opps visible again. Also, its usage may lull you into logging off the system without refreshing the pages for a few minutes. I have been able to ‘catch’ a few opps that way.

Ok, now I can go and focus on some of the other posts I have to write. Ever feel you’re outgrowing Payperpost? Comment here, please if you are postie! I’d like to hear your thoughts on this.

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