Amazon Associates Introduces Context Links (Beta)…

For those of you who are interested in Amazon’s affiliates program, it seems that they are trialling a new poduct, called Context Links Beta! I’m including a quote from their website about Context Links and their benefits.

Context Links are a quick and convenient way to add links to your website and monetize your content. Context Links automatically identify and link relevant phrases within your page content to Amazon products, unlocking new ad inventory and saving you the time from having to manually create links. You can add the links to your pages in minutes, and we provide a wealth of options to customize how they are displayed. You create the content. We’ll link it.

How it works.
When you login to Associates, you are given the standard options or you can configure everything. You can also choose how many items you want underlined. I just went with the standard code at first. Anyway, the code that you are given is installed in your blog just once right before the final command (in WP, that’s in the Footer.php file in your presentation theme editor option), and voila! It works. Or it should.

The text of certain items is underlined on the page. I’m providing an example that shows how neat the whole program is. You’ll be able to provide context linked products from Amazon’s store within your blog without all the fuss of choosing and pasting actual links.

context links

For your readers, the whole graphic loads very quickly without holding up the browser. It also disappears quickly. I found it much more responsive than some of the intelliTXT ads that appear on some blogs. I’m installing it on this blog for a trial period (it is a BETA after all), and we’ll see. The first few pages I loaded didn’t display anything that I could see. You can comment any thoughts if you wish!

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