I have been tossing these Spam emails for a while, but this one I decided to take a look at. I have no idea why anyone would trust an email from a company with one name in the link and another in the email address. That’s the second sign of a problem! Let’s take a look at the offer on the table.
Email received from Barbra Farmer bonniedhama@a1container.com to kennethdickson@msn.com. (Hah! I don’t even have an email address at that location!) so it used a fake email address, fake name, and was sent to a non-existent email address.
Hague Corp. (OTCBB: HGUE)
Solterra Renewable Technologies, Inc.
I just wanted to tell you why I am so excited about this profile.
you can see Hague is truly revolutionary:
Solterra will be producing and distributing a Thin Film Quantum Dot PV Solar Cell, which is differentiated from other traditional PV cells by a unique technology
that can result in lower cost, higher efficiency, and broader spectral performance. I will personally be visiting the company later this day.Look for much more on Hague Corp and Solterra Renewable Technologies, Inc.
Company: HGUE
Rating : very bullish
Sector : Green tech
Current: $0.10
Target : $0.74
Well, a brief summary. The stock traded at $0.02 in late April before bouncing to 50 cents. It has no income, no assets, some deals with some fancy names on it, lots of buzzwords. But it is difficult to see this as anything other than a spam. What do you think, Tim?
Do not consider this a recommendation or anything. This is a from a spam. I merely mention it as we all receive these spam emails. I wondered what the facts would be.