I was reading the list of 10 reasons not to buy Vista, I guess there was one for XP, too! I am most concerned about the problems caused by the DRM that Vista installs for videos. It’s odd that in the rebuttal this is one of the few points NOT specifically rebutted. It goes onto to state:
10. The draconian license — somehow, Microsoft has forgotten that it built its business from products that empowered its customers, not hampered them. … Aside from the backward thinking that is licensing, and not actually owning, your software new terms with Vista include being able to transfer the license only once; half the limit compared to XP for Home Basic and Premium on how many machines can connect to yours for sharing, printing and accessing the Internet; limits on the number of devices that can use Vista’s Media Center features; activation and validation governing your ability to upgrade hardware and use Windows itself; and outlawing the use of Home Basic and Premium with virtualisation software, and Ultimate only if DRM enabled content and applications aren’t used…
For more on this M$, have a look at my other blog!