Some Weekend Exercise: Don’t try this @ Home

Somehow this weekend we ended up getting a lot of fresh air. On Saturday, we walked around the fringes of Zhuwei up mountain roads, along past farms, through a University campus, stopped for a nice meal, and took a subway train home! It’s kind of our monthly ritual these days…

Of course, our saunter in the woods was somewhat less demanding than this gentleman’s effors in the urban woods…

Anyway, let’s go… Those strolls … wow! They really tire you out!

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Let me take a rest now!

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You can guess the story on the front cover!

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A view of Taipei looking up the river early evening.

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Then on Sunday, we visited the North East Coastal Tourist Areas…

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This is very near a village called LaoMei in Sanchih/Jingshan area.

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As usual, Christine is setting the pace.

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I think she’s saying hurry up!

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And that’s it for Sunday!

These pictures were taken over a number of walks, and composited together as I stupidly forgot to take my camera! Though composited, they capture nicely the essence of our walks over the weekend!

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