April Income 2008 on InvestorBlogger Dot Com

This is the second time I’ve had to write this post and the second time I had to post this … Wow! I screwed up, didn’t I?


March’s Income Report was a little late being published on this blog but April’s is going to be a little earlier! Why? Well because I reached a landmark!

$10,059 (US$)

But before that you read about this news, try out one of these two great ways to keep up with what’s happening on InvestorBlogger Dot Com:

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So how did we do in April? Well, we achieved a good deal this month reaching a little over 51% of my initial target of $1200. However, caution is required: taxes and Paypal fees were taken out of this total as well as other costs.

* Bank Interest: $28.00
* Dividend Income: $109.49
* Advertising: $245.00
* Advertising (3rd party): $181.10
* Reviews – $30.00
* Consulting = $19.50
* Total = $613.09

*there are a few other residual sources but they generally don’t generate much, like Voxant, NetAudioAds, etc. that generate only a few cents a month. In addition, some sources that generate a lot one month, but nothing the next are not included.

I haven’t worked out the proportion of active vs. passive income yet, but it accounts for a little over half of the total income. I’m a big fan of passive income, and I’m now working very hard to increase the total of passive income to something nearer 75% of the total.

In terms of running a blog, it requires quite a bit of time, as does providing consulting and hosting services (which I enjoy doing). While monthly income varies from month to month, and sometimes by quite a lot, we’ve been a keeping an eye on the actual growth and reporting on a twice yearly basis shows a dramatic increase from the first six months to the third six months. So, in UK reporting style, here are the results:

February 2007 (1st 6 months): $2,462
August 2007 (2nd 6 months): $2,563
February 2008 (3rd 6 months): $3,994
August 2008 (4th 6 months): $-,—

Anyone care to guess? I’ll give you a hint as we’re already off to strong start. It’s only when we get a perspective over a longer time that we see what’s happening. If you want to read more about my plan, you can visit the entry.


The blog currently has a few expenses such as hosting through Dreamhost’s VPS system and it works well. Of course, Domains and I own about ten or so all need to be paid for annually and Paypal Fees. I currently don’t advertise, though I may do so soon again.

* hosting – $49.40 (est.)
* Fees – $9.53 (Paypal, Commissions, etc.)
* Content, Development, and Advertising – $27.50
* Total = $86.43*

*These figures are estimates as final figures haven’t been received for some, and other commissions are invisible having been deducted at source.

It’s been a wild ride since I started blogging in 2006 on this blog! If you’re interested in what went before, check out Obblogatory dot com.

Thanks for all your support!

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